
"No Hands" Helicopter Blade Tracking
As part of an 8500C or Enhanced Vibrex 2000 Plus system, the 11800-3 FasTrak day and night optical blade tracker provides blade track and lead/lag data automatically, without operator interpretation. The FasTrak is mounted on the fuselage, oriented upward toward the underside of the rotating blades. It views each blade from each rotor through a ten degree window and operates on the principle that a high-flying blade will remain in the field of view longer than a low flying blade. Installation and operation with Chadwick systems are straightforward, using aircraft specific brackets and software.

Serviceable equipment is sold with our 90 day warranty and certificate of calibration traceable to NIST.
Please note that the terms and conditions of these warranties are subject to change without notice.
Current Stock
Serviceable units in stock, please contact us for a quote.